Saturday 12 December 2020

Encounters at the library

I have had some interesting meetings while studying in the library. First, Maria Daphiti solved the mystery of the Daphiti/Aspenstar dual names. It turns out Daphiti is the real family name - Maria is Lunarisse's daughter - and Aspenstar is the callsign. Also, the library and I guess the rest of SFRIM's offices have moved several times. This is why the ceiling depicts the sky over Bavaisi rather than Mehatoor where it is now. 

I was pointed to the "roll of honor", a listing of medals that were awarded at all the events that the corporation was involved with. It also contains a description of the events and represents a record of what happened. It will be most useful for me to learn about recent events.

It seems there may be a job opening for librarian. That sounds like music to my ears, if indeed it can be compatible with my quest. It is something I will have to take up with Aspenstar/Daphiti.

Next, I met Akali Sharisa, of Khanid descent. Like Maria, she is also a warrior. Moreover, she is a liason officer to the "bouncing bunnies", the alliance's industrial branch. She is rather inquisitive, I recognise an investigator.

Today, I sent a missive to dr. Valate to see if she agrees to meet me. Our religious beliefs cannot be further apart - Sanism is the worst heresy. I hope that we have a shared belief in academic discourse that is strong enough to overcome that which divides us.