I've been studying Novan's notes and ship logs over the last few days. It has helped me map out the labyrinth using the data on the artifacts. The Talocan statues all look towards the sun, giving an orientation to the cogwheels. This orientation allows to find the correct acceleration gate to go to a next grid, charting a way through the labyrinth.
While the artifacts are a map, they are not the key. Novan mentions that several capsuleers possess keys to the labyrinth, and that these keys can be obtained from the curator of the museum Arcana in Zimse.
It is a place I've been meaning to visit for a while, but I have only recently improved my standings enough to even be allowed in the museum...
From Novan's notes I also understand that the labyrinth is fiercely guarded by Blood Raider cultists who see themselves as successors to the Takmahl. This operation will require help from my friends in LUMEN, and an upgrade to my Anathema class vessel. Minotaur-class enemy ships will carve through its hull with ease, and it appears no less than a Stratios class ship is required to safely travel the labyrinth.
Luckily it's Yoiul season, and Concord offers good bounty...