Thursday, 20 October 2022

Triglavian apples

The situation in the warzones deteriorate further, probably much to the liking of the Triglavians. Egmar, the second rebel system where transmuter technology is tested is now also back under Republic control. Clashes also continue in Athounon, between our Caldari allies and the Federation, again over some Triglavian technology.

There's an ancient tale of five queens banning together in a corner of old Assimia, whose combined might withstood the assaults of our crusades to reclaim their people. The Emperor sent a beautifully crafted golden apple to them, with the finest diamonds laid out as dewdrops on the apple, and an inscription that said "to the most beautiful". At first, they joked about the gift, but the dual venom of jealousy and vanity started to work its way through their veins and in the end it broke their alliance.

The tables are turned now. The Triglavians gave token technology as apples of discord, to fan the flames of conflict between their enemies, and do it in the form of "proving" they so much like.

Anyway, apart from these cluster-sized worries, I have more manageable worries to tackle. Repacking and securing precious items from the library for the move. And finally meeting up with my lawyer and mr. Boulette's lawyer to hear what that scoundrel wants to propose.

(ooc: of course the tale is based on the Greek myth of Eris' apple of discord)