Sunday, 26 June 2022

Deep space particle accelerator

People leave all sorts of junk in space. 

Today, after performing the morning's scan to bookmark wormhole exits, probes picked up a strange matter signature, emissions of exotic elementary particles not known to appear in natural phenoma. Upon our arrival in the deadspace pocket where the signal was from, we found an abandoned particle accelerator, not even powered down. There was no sign of struggle. The science outpost had been abandoned and someone had forgotten to turn off the reactor on the thing.

The outer two acceleration rings were already sparking, and a high-curvature spacetime deformation was glowing in the center ring. It seems whoever built the station attempted to make gates or open up wormholes on demand. 

Right after Anoikis connected to Eve cluster, there was a flurry of enthusiastic exploration, and a lot of grant money flowed to learning about the wormhole worlds. The Arataka Research Consortium played a major role. This abandoned structure did not belong to them, it appears to be from a private Gallente research institute. Often, after projects from this initial exploration wave were completed, researchers returned, leaving their infrastructure behind in the hopes of coming back. But after the initial rush of excitement, grant money levels dropped back to normal as yet another topic became fashionable for science agencies to pursue. 

And so, we have functioning abandoned particle accelerators in wormhole deepspace pockets...