Yesterday, at about this time, terrorists launched a suicide attack on Tanoo, using indiscriminate orbital bombardment to sow death. Even if many rounds landed in the sea due to bad aim, it led to many casualties.
I am shocked, and sad, and a bit scared. Scared because the strange attack seems to have but one aim: force us into all out war with the Republic. At the moment, the news points to a rogue faction within the Brutor Vanguard. A crazy admiral who took matters in his or her own hands.
It doesn't convince me. There was also an attack on Inis-Ilix, where Chakaid is held, accused of Blood Raider sympathies. While our forces were fighting the dreadnoughts bombarding the planet, a raid was conducted to free the prisoner Chakaid. This would not be the first time the terrorists side with the Blood Raiders. There is more going on, and I pray all night and all day today for everyone to exert restraint and investigate before acting on an urge of revenge.
On a personal matter, the Amarr Civil Service closed for two days following the attack. I have now all the documents I need for the DoD but I will still have to wait to go back...