Thursday, 11 March 2021


The Finishing Schools for Girls in the Federation are inferior to those of the Empire. The reverend mother Kahoudi will be pleased to learn about our superiority. 
In particular, the Federation schooling lacks lessons on proper ecclesiastical titles. I had to explain to Charlene repeatedly that a friar should be addressed as "brother", whereas "father" is the title for a priest. Nevertheless, she insists on calling me "daddy".

Anna's leg heals well. I took her to the Indigatrix's medbay for a checkup, and the other two girls went along. In the medbay, Charlene spontaneously disrobed and inquired whether "daddy" would like to give her a "thorough examination". 
Charlene seemed surprised that I put her in the medbay scanner for the examination. They must do medical exams differently in the Federation. The scan revealed a dark spot in her lungs, and this caused a bit of a scare at first. Fortunately, upon closer examination it appears not harmful, probably a scar from a severe bronchitis in the past. Apart from that, Charlene is in perfect health.
I have reached a decision about what to do with these stowaway dancers. I have always been a enthousiast supporter of the performing arts, and the dire circumstance of the girls illustrates well how underfunded the culture sector is. So, I will buy the girls passage on a capsuleer vessel back to the Federation. I don't need approval from the station authorities for such private courier contracts. Oh, I never imagined I could be such a rebel!
Postscriptum: Wonderful news for Tanoo! The Empress and Lord Ardishapur are paying a surprise visit! I have no doubt there will be a laudatio of SFRIM's efforts supporting the region's development. SFRIM capsuleers should be proud of what was achieved and of the great accolade they receive from the Throne through this visit. Hail the Empress!