Saturday, 27 January 2024

The Tour

This weekend I am back in Amarr to give a history tour to corp members (and outsiders with good standing) who want to learn more about the Empire. We have enough peregrinans and interested legionnaires. For more experienced members it is a pilgrimage to the holy sites, and it is good to go on this pilgrimage from time to time, to keep in mind both the glorious heights and the despondent depths in our recent history. A story of ingenuity, exploring, but also setbacks and overcoming the evil that we face. 

And for new capsuleers, with the ink still drying on their fresh license, it is also a safe introduction in basic fleet maneuvers and commands. They can make mistakes and correct, there is no rush and no enemy.

I feel I should do the tour more often than once or twice a year, and perhaps advertise it a bit better - for example in career agent systems. It is an excellent way to spread the faith amongst capsuleers, and to tip their interest into joining us. 

As I was thinking about this last night, I had another inspiration to spread the faith. With the excess ISK I make and cannot keep due to my vow of poverty, I can donate simple frigates to Mike Azariah's "magic school bus" project, and make sure every donated ship contains copies of the Pax Amarria. These would be for the Amarr career systems of course. I will contact mr. Azariah to see if he can agree with this.