Tuesday, 8 June 2021

Origin heresies

Time to report on some heresies.

Heresies about the Ametat and Avetat, believed by foreign historians and archeologists. There are those in the Federation who claim that these holy artefacts were actually tools or devices from ancient races, appropriated by the Emperor. In their views, maybe even the Sefrim might be members of these ancient races.

The idea of ancient races stems from the commonly believed notion that all races have a common ancestor. It is unlikely that genetically compatible species would evolve on so many different worlds. Even with convergent evolution for the major physiological characteristics, the odds that we would be able to procreate with a different species is vanishingly small. 

The common origin theory is further corroborated by the fact that for example many ruins and relic sites, even Jove or Sleeper ones, operate by the same common safety measures, and can be hacked using the same common information theoretical routines.

This theory is carried further by those who believe humanity came through Eve Gate at some point, such as the Goners and Equilibrium of Mankind. This humanity would have spread accross the cluster. The ancient races would then be those that kept their advanced technology intact and their knowledge intact during the dark ages that befell all others.

These kind of theories fuel the conjecture that at some point, members of those ancient races - Jove? Talocan? Even more ancient? - would end up by accident or by mishap on Amarr, and share their advanced technology with one warlord. Rather than a gift from God, these heresies claim that our most holy relics are remnants of the technology of our farthest ancestors, the first humans to cross the gate.

That heresy aligns with the doctrine of the Goners that link the artefacts to their Anticipator key and to a way to reactivate the gate. Such legends are also present among the other races - the Achur believe in their version of the Sceptre as an ancient and powerful tool.

I feel I should keep an open mind on these theories, even if they feel heretical or at the least heterodox to me, and make me feel uncomfortable.