Sunday, 14 May 2023

The disguise

I  bought a Gallente shuttle. I hesitated about also buying the Angel's "spirit" skin for it, but in the end I went for a ship skin that I already had: the Aliastra colors. They are general retailer, and a large corporation with Intaki roots. They trade all over the cluster, and although they are anchored in the Federation, they are quite independent. I will also wear a regular Gallente captain's jacket rather than my usual monk's robes. 

This should make me inconspicuous across most of the heathen lands, and I hope I will not draw attention as an Amarr target. Moreover, a trader from the core worlds should be welcome among these barbarians. So, I've opted for the road through Providence, rather than through Sansha or Angel territory. 

This will also allow me to meet up with our people in Providence, in the systems that LUMEN patrols. And, close to them, also with the systems controlled by the fine folks of CVA.