Monday, 7 December 2020

Aspenstar meeting

I had it upside down.

Lunarisse Aspenstar is not against archeological investigations, on the contrary, she has been most helpful and even allowed me access to the research done by her corporation. They have not only done purely academic research: one of their capsuleers, Reinhart Novan, ventured out on a quest for the Ametat and Avetat and kept meticulous records. This treasure trove of information was shared freely, spontaneously and in the spirit of advancing science. On top of that, I can use their library, a hidden gem.

Grateful for all this openness I decided to reciprocate and share my own research with Aspenstar. This may be naive but I choose to trust my instinct after our meeting.

And let it be a lesson to me – distrust galnet forums and impressions gleaned from the press, even from IGS discussions. Meeting people in person is the only way to judge their character. I had thought Nauplius was the scientist and Aspenstar was only out to possess the artifacts, after my meeting I have come to believe it is the other way around.

I will write more about the meeting, but I am eager to spend the day in that library and study their records.