I am positively impressed with the professionality of the movers who take care of the chapel. There's scaffolding now and slowly each piece is delicately removed and tagged and wrapped.
There was an opportunity to start discussing my museum plans with Lunarisse, and she pointed me to the architect for plans. Apparently, the LUMEN offices are much larger than I imagined. maybe the humble amount of space that I need can simply be incorporated in the offices.
I knew the housing part was large, but there is also an immense cargo space down. And I don't mean the cargo containers in the hangars for the ship. No it is storage for more... sensitive cargo, old collections from previous wars and missions. Most of it off-limits.
I've also told Luna I would like to collaborate with prof. Valate on this, and investigate if we could give her free passage based on the scholarly nature of the visit. She didn't refuse flat out, but it is not going to be easy. There are a lot of tensions in the Amarr capsuleer community, and appearances and diplomacy matter. Well, that's okay. It will probably not be before late spring that I can really work to the fullest on that project.