The vast majority of religions in the cluster have a holy book, usually written by prophets or their disciples. That book contains immutable truths, dogma. Its contents cannot be changed, merely commented upon. Sometimes it is literally carved in stone, and put away in a tabernacle for eternity. Many outsiders think this is also how our religion works.
But that is not how Amarr Scripture works!
Firstly, the amount of Scripture is immense. It's not one book, or a collection of books that can be put on a shelf. Rather, it is a vast corpus, an immense library, both reflecting and guiding Amarr culture, recording it through the eye of religion and harmonizing us with God.
Secondly, and more importantly, Scripture evolves. Imperial decrees get added to it: the Pax Amarria is part of Scripture now. At times pieces get removed - be it stricken records or entire works such as during the Moral Reforms. As our society evolves, God's message to us evolves and adapts along with it. God did not speak once and then remained silent. No, God is in constant discourse with us through Scripture.
Within the Federation, some worry about the new 'entente' with the Empire. The detractors really do not like slavery, and believe it is a dogma that will never change. It is not! Slavery has waxed and waned in our history, and it is precisely in times of peace that it has historically been at its low point. Peace, dialogue, cultural exchanges, they are much more effective than war and Minmatar abduction raids.
Sure, the process of change is slow, and can be frustrating. But that is a good thing, as you cannot build an empire by chasing the fashion of the day!
Similarly, there are some in the Empire that grumble about letting the 'corrupting' influence of the Federation in. To them I would tell to believe in their own strength. And to see how this also opens us a grand opportunity for peaceful reclaiming.