Friday, 15 January 2021

Reading the Goner's writings

I am spending more time flying with the Goners. Yesterday, there were two of them at the same time in the system. I am learning more about them, but information is only obtained piecemeal.

I  have also resumed my reading of their writings. There are some really interesting historical notes in early works. Unfortunately, some of the latter tomes are about as exciting to read as a market ticker tape. And, for some other of these newer books, I suspect some authors of being under the influence of very psychoactive mushrooms. Some writings also contain subtly treasonous parts - as an example I quote a part on the return of Empress Jamyl: "But it is good in you that you hate the Empress's deeds, which I also hate."

Also professor Moriarty is still around. We discussed the parallax measurements, and he showed me that even though the gate itself is far away, the whisps and other visual effects we see are actually generated just nearby our ship. The particles flowing from the gate cause probably visual some interference in the viewscreen. He also proudly demonstrated his "blink" manoeuver again, without giving technical details.