Saturday, 18 March 2023

Krusual library

Going to Faspera in Derelik I dropped by in our industrial stations in Gamis and Tanoo. And I also visited another structure in Tanoo, one often overlooked by our more industrious capsuleers. There is a a Krusual mobile library in Tanoo, that's a space library!

It has an interesting architecture, too. The different halls of the library are connected by walkways with tall glass walls that offer a nice view of surrounding space, and of the station itself. It is a bit discomforting, especially if you're used to the confines and bulkheads of a regular station. I find myself intuitively staying rather close to the center of the walkway, even though in case of a breach it won't matter.

Minmatar and Ammatar scholars mingle here, studying the history of their people. I did not particularly feel welcome, not surprisingly. However, once I could make clear that I am also a librarian, the mood relaxed, and I could get a tour. I enjoyed that a lot, and recommend a visit!