It is over. Turnur's star is still there - no doubt thanks to the courageous men and women who stayed on the transmuter till the last minute. It did however release a massive burst of hard X-ray radiation, followed by a explosive coronal mass ejection. Everything up to seventy million kilometers out was vaporized, including the transmuter and Upwell stations. After the burst, the star appears to have stabilized again.
Turnur I is left a burning ember. The superluminal energy burst ignited its atmosphere, and turned the surface into molten magma. Only in the deepest caves, on the planet's night-side, could anything have survived. Matter ejected from the planet is forming a red glowing ring around it. The Republic station in orbit is badly damaged, its external structures detonated and it is venting gases. The highly protected core of the station is still functional. God also spared the other planets from this type of destruction.
With the twisted psychology that promised immortality entails, capsuleers flocked to the system to observe the event, indifferent about losing their ship and their clone. Everyone and their sister came to watch. And inevitably this same psychology of indifference to death led to an orgy of killing, a capsuleer against capsuleer massacre the likes of which no factional warfare could ever bring to Turnur. There could not have been a starker contrast between the Empyrean irreverence of death and the suffering of millions in the system. God will strike the capsuleer class down for this blind mockery... Open your eyes, faithful, at the revelation of God's absolute might that was witnessed tonight!