There are always rumors circulating, in any congregation.
After mass, as people greet each other on their way out of the chapel, one can almost see these rumors fluttering about like butterflies. They feed on the nectar of scandal, and move erratically from one group of faithful to another, pollinating brains with hearsay. The higher on the societal ladder that the scandal is about, the sweeter the nectar.
This is not something that can be stamped out, even by the harshest sermon and the sternest priest.
They reach my ears, but usually I ignore them. This time, a particularly nasty rumor is going around about lewd behavior by our Directrix. Such rumors tickle the imagination of our baseliners to no end, and they happily blow it out of proportion, to the point that any sane mind safely dismisses it at once.
But then I got this unusual request by the Directix: to help out certain persons that have uncommon professions. Well, perhaps not all that uncommon, but rather jobs that are frowned upon of by the more puritanical circles of clergy. Of course I am willing to help fellow man and woman, and if these rumors were not going around, I would have made nothing of it. But now I admit it has me a little worried.