Saturday, 9 April 2022

Legal matters

The nerve of this gangster! I received a letter from an attorney in Bersirym, representing mr. Boulette. 

First, I am surprised that the scoundrel is still free. A gangster, whose henchmen have murdered me some time ago. They lack solid proof! Since when has a shimmer of doubt ever stopped the Ministry of Internal Order to apprehend criminals? Have they lost their mind and become bleeding heart "innocent until proven" Federals? Ah, it must be the relative proximity to the Federation that has poisoned law enforcement in that forsaken province. 

Mr. Boulette himself has Gallentean blood flowing through his veins. And he probably has some Gallentean blood on his hands too. And that of men and women of all four Empires, I am certain!

Anyway, his fancy lawyer claims I have illegally retrieved a bunch of artefacts from a storage facility of mr. Boulette in an abandoned mining colony, and I have to pay for these goods or return them to mr. Boulette. I mean, there was a firefight and another attempt at taking my life in that facility! I reported everything back to the local authorities who had given me the green light to investigate this storage facility in the first place. I don't know what happened afterwards with the whole thing, content as I was to have retrieved these artefacts from what was clearly a Blood Raider operation.

Most of the artefacts I have donated to Hedion University, but I did keep some choice ones here, for my Takmahl history museum that I plan to set up. I will not give them up! But I need to find some legal counsel. Either that or finally install pulse lasers on the Indagatrix.