I should have thrown Idesbald out of the airlock in stead of banishing him.
Probably at this very moment he also wishes I had done so.
The Ministry of Internal Order has captured him - they must have some black ops in the Federation. Upon questioning the traitor accused me of his own crime! He claimed that I was the one peddling capsuleer blood wine on the black market! Reverend Mother Kahoudi was very concerned and payed me a visit in the library. Luckily, Idesbald's lies were rapidly unmasked. Tribunus Colonel Vleckson relayed the true nature of my mission: destroying the blood cellar. The other crew members confirmed my version of the facts. And a search of the Indigatrix revealed no contraband of any sort.
Even though I have been exonerated, the affair still has an unpleasant consequence. The Reverend Mother insisted that for the time being a political officer should join me during my explorations. As if I do not know orthodoxy myself! I wanted to strongly protest, but something in me told me this was probably not the good time to do so.
So, my crew will be joined by mr. Ivan Firth, who will provide us with ideological education and supervision and make sure my missions are in the interest of the Empire and in agreement with Imperial law.
A new cloak technician would have been more useful.