Friday, 25 August 2023

Discussions on how to proceed

I am requesting assistance from SFRIM's own medical experts at the Lamp's medical facility to analyse and heal the wounds that the ghost dog has inflicted.

Meanwhile, we are discussing how to proceed. Ghosts always attempt to communicate, so my approach would be to try and establish contact with the spectre. It is not clear how to do that with a ghost dog. Bones seems superfluous, as the creature resides in a tomb. 

Mitsiro suggested a multilingual speech unit, to try different languages. My own suggestion is a stick, perhaps the thing will appreciate a game of throw and fetch. Along with some holy water from Mishi, sanctified in Dam-Torsad cathedral, the most powerful antidote against evil spirits. Tomorrow, I will do a more thorough search in Scripture, to see if any better method is mentioned.