Thursday, 3 October 2024

New kitchen knife

The industriousness that I saw in Seclusion is rapidly transforming the place - our outpost in Anoikis is turning into an industry hub, with new stations and factories popping up all around the old space fort. This calls for station blessings, something that I plan to do in the near future. I will combine it with the translation of the relic of Saint Vasrayi to Pilgrim's Rest chapel.

Unsurprisingly, the impending embellishment and enlargement of the chapel met with distrust from the local Matari that apparently also come and go freely in Seclusion. Thukkers - space nomads that often spend their life in wandering trade caravans. I can imagine they feel at ease in wormhole space, ever changing as it is, and unbeholden to any Empire. 

One of them, a capsuleer by the name of Isidorus Orissus, told me in no unclear terms that his clan can never be forced pray at an Amarr chapel. Surely this is some sort of allergic reaction, as if the mere presence of the chapel brings with it a threat. I tried to reassure him that even though I regret that his clan does not see the light we do not do forceful reclaiming in Pilgrim's Rest. 

I do not think the message got through: He threw his knife. 

It landed into a cutting board at the Lamp's bar. After which Isidorus left. Not being an expert in Thukker culture I am uncertain whether this is to be interpreted as a sign of disapproval, or approval through the gift of a new kitchen implement.