Thursday, 25 November 2021

More Site One records

The other projects in Arek'Jalaan seem to focus strongly on either understanding Anoikis or understanding rogue drones and trying to communicate with them. Wormhole space is since then much better explored, even though there is as yet no regularity found in how the wormhole links appear. The discovery of such a regularity would make the wormhole routes predictable and be a true breakthrough. However, most scientists agree that the routes appear randomly, at least to a certain extent.

It would seem the Talocan were early masters of wormhole physics and established travel hubs. They interacted with the Jove - for the best or for the worst. I wanted to travel to the Okkelen constellation to look at the Talocan relics for myself, but I was told that this requires very good standings with the Caldari. I would have to do missions for them! Carry who knows what industrial things around. I'd better find myself some high echelon Caldari friend in the Society if I ever want to visit the Devil's Dig site.