Saturday, 20 August 2022

Bibliothecarial Innovation

I had to admit that Mr. Jensen is right: the new and stricter procedures for book acquisition will not work. They are stifling the influx of appropriate books and may not stop works hurtful to our members.

After talking to other librarians on the interlibrary loan network, I think I have found a solution for our book acquisition problem. It's something that is occasionally done in the Federation, but that I have not seen yet in the Empire. Usually, I stongly condemn bringing in any idea that come from the Federation, but this one is worth trying out.

Here in the Empire, it will be a revolutionary innovation.

It is called a "Complaint Box".

It is an elongated pillar-like structure of approximately 1.3 metres high, in mahogany wood or oak, with a slit on top, and a small door in the back that is usually kept locked. People who have a complaint, literally anyone, can formulate this complaint, even about their superiors! They drop it anonymously in the slit. The content of the box is regularly retrieved and reviewed. Here, we can repurpose this technology to have the library customers help screen out inappropriate works.

I had the wood workshop contruct a complaint box and put it up near the book return desk. I had them also make a plaque to put on the box. It is engraved with the following text: "The Library staff promises to engage themselves to screen out works that are personally hurtful and/or spiritually inappropriate. If despite our best efforts you find such a work in our public collection, please report it by dropping a note in this box or talking to a staff member. Reported works will be carefully reviewed and removed if found problematic".

Now that the box has been installed, I can rescind the procedure changes, to great satisfaction of mr. Jensen. The combination of the Index, our own judgment and now also the vigilant eyes of our customers will make the library a safe place to nurture the mind and the soul.