Sunday, 15 December 2024

The Pious Pod Program

A little while ago, an influential opinion piece appeared in Faith and Law, the quarterly glossy journal of the Theology Council. It was written by deacon Azir, who has been the spokesperson of the Theology Council on many occasions. In his letter, he denounced the fact that the Empire pours a disproportional amount of resources in educating and training new capsuleers, notably in Sehmy, Emrayur and Chaven. They get training and free ships, but statistics show that very few remain diligent in their duties to the Empire afterwards. The lure of wealth and power corrupt capsuleers all too easily, and they seek fortune in criminality with the likes of the Deathless. This, they can do with minimal punishment: diminished standings were lambasted as a joke. The piece ended with "Should we really keep investing in our own future enemies?"

It sparked a lot of debate in the Theology Council, ending in a compromise between pro- and anti-capsuleer factions. The Supreme Sobor of Theology decided that the Empire can keep training capsuleers without implementing measures to reduce their freedom afterwards, but in its ruling it also stressed that more should be done to keep Amarr trained capsuleers from going astray. The news of this ruling was followed by a harsh sermon by archbishop Drusius Qosh, speaking at the council's headquarters in Avair, exhorting all faithful capsuleers and capsuleer organisations to do their part in reclaiming those capsuleers that fell prey to the demons of greed, power, and heresy.

In a measure towards implementing the Theology Council's recommendation, the Ministry of Internal Order launched the "Pious Pod Program", a communication campaign to reclaim wayward capsuleers for the good cause.

Today, that news trickled down to the captain's desk of the Indagatrix, as mr. Ivan Firth handed me the leaflet of the program and asked how I plan to contribute.