Saturday 17 June 2023


I have been exploring the system intensively over the past week - safe in the knowledge that the Zerg are happy to have me around. They say hi and wave hello, but apart from that they appear as taciturn as ever.

Unfortunately, I have found no trace of the Talocan. In fact, no trace of any ancient race. These systems are infested with Angel cartel sites, if any.

It is time to wrap up my expedition here and accept that I was wrong about the Talocan leaving relics here. 

I will thank the Zerg again, and clone jump back to Mehatoor. It feels all right to leave this cheap exploration vessel and a clone in their station. They've been around for two weeks, which is more stability than anyone can expect from the sovereign nullsec lands. Perhaps the station will be blown to bits tomorrow, in accordance to the fickleness of these parts of the cluster. But perhaps, as I hope, the Zerg will endure for somewhat longer than their peers.