Monday, 13 December 2021

Logistics and standings

Two weeks ago, I was bemoaning the dismal status of my capsuleer standings with the Empire, notwithstanding my lifelong devotion as a baseliner. God answered my prayers - yesterday our alliance has organised a day of missions for the Emperor Family, to boost standings! Well, they are not quite Amarr Imperial standings, rather they are those of the Empress, but still. 

I had to participate, even though I am not well versed in combat. I bought and fitted an Augoror class frigate for logistics service, and I managed not to have it blown up. And, on several occasions, I found myself giving armor reps to fleet members who would not have sustained the onslaught without me - that much was clear from the rate they were taking damage. The role of repairer feels good and right for me - it confirms the goal I set myself in fleet operations for our corporation.

Tomorrow, I will head to what is to become our new home system, to have a look at the space that was hired. I'll see if there is extra space that I can hire for my museum plans.