Monday, 18 March 2024

Location, location, location.

Our team performed admirably! We have made an excellent preliminary sorting of the salvaged materials, grouping and labeling them, much to the delight of the local record keeper. We have been digging in boxes of papers from recent ones to older ones, a bit like the archeologist who digs down the various strata to reach more ancient times.

Anath V indeed consists of many strata. As became clear a few days ago, the oldest one seems to predate the earliest known Amarrian settlement. We were able to reconstruct some basic topology of the site and how it evolved in time, although records still give conflicting data sometimes.

In the more recent records, we found information on professor Bathana. A (partial) deed to the plot of land and house that he owned. We aso found an announcement in a local newspaper of an evening lecture for a broad audience during a science festival. A picture of him and his family at the stage, and on it you can see a little girl looking a bit bored or a bit mischievous, probably both. That must be Lunarisse? I'll give her a copy of the picture as a present.

More interesting than the picture is the location of the land bought by professor Bathana - if we are correct it is right above the central structure of the most ancient layer. I doubt that this is a coincidence. 

I've learned all I could from these archives. The only way to learn more about this is via excavation on Anath V, or via the personal archives of professor Bathana. Either way, I will need our Directrix's help. So, it is time to return to Mehatoor.