Thursday 21 July 2022


It's a bit of a weird vessel, the Sunesis. Looks like a fly impaled on a tiara that was made for electroshock therapy. But all in all the fly flies well, and is very agile. It aligns and warps out almost immediately. So, after the test ride, I decided I'll take the vessel. It will be my third ship (apart from shuttles or corvettes), and I'll baptise her the "Vectrix" or transporter.

With a bit of fitting she has a cargo hold of over 1000 cubic metres, and still allows for probes, and drones as defense against prossible pirates attacking me. 

The next piece of advice I got to bring up my standing quickly, is to ... go to career agents. It's again a bit humiliating, I already have a career. But I guess this is a lesson in letting go of my pride and so I will go to the Conoban system to learn how to be a hauler for Empress and Empire.