Sunday, 3 July 2022

The Antiquarian

The Antiquarian has been spotted in Tanoo!

This is so exciting - many believe him to have disappeared, retired! And yet, there is now visual confirmation that he is spaceborne, flying through Tanoo towards Sashta. I have received footage and d-scan of his shuttle from staff I befriended in Tebu Amkhiman, I'm glad I shared these stories about the legendary capsuleer with them.

The Antiquarian is one of the oldest capsuleers, and a famous collector of rare and precious items. His collection is the stuff of wonder and myth, unmatched by any in the cluster. From the earliest days on, any special item would draw his attention and he would be the first one to grab them. He is reclusive, a hermit, nowadays.

Now that I know he is still active, I do want to speak to him, and learn about the relics he has collected over the years! If anyone can help me substantially in my quest after a single meeting, it is him! Oh, if only I could convince him to be the guest of honor in a convention for rare items I would plan... it would draw out every collector in the cluster, I am sure! 

Perhaps items obtained from more recent activities could raise his interest, as he's been less active? But perhaps this is a mistake, and he has stayed active all along to collect also newer items from events and activities. 

Could this be linked to what it going on in Athounon or Arshat? Is this why he woke from his slumber and did he get caught on camera flying towards Athounon from wherever he is stationed, passing Tanoo?

I must find him.