Thursday, 24 October 2024


From time to time mr. Firth's ambition proves useful. He suggested we go back to the Gurista wreck where we found the Atavum device, to see if we can find any logbook fragment of Yosef Okada. It was not a bad idea.

The wreck had deteriorated since our last visit. Looters -or perhaps Gurista search and rescue- had clearly come by. They tore some holes in the hull of the wreck, and left a data relay satellite, perhaps used as a beacon. The site had been reclassified as a data site, perhaps because there was nothing left to be considered relics. 

As could perhaps be expected, we found a logbook fragment. Now that I knew what to look for, it was actually not too hard to find, after using standard hacking procedures. It was not hidden well; even though the original file was deleted, it was easy to reconstitute. This fragment is an entry that dates from just after the destruction of the dig site on Caldari Prime, and just before Okada got evacuated. 

Unfortunately, this is a fragment that is already known and documented. It offers a small insight into a pivotal moment, when his disillusionment with the State and with the central powers started to crystallize into open rebellion. 

I wonder why these fragments are showing up so often on ships or data satellites of the associates of the Deathless. I fear there might be a cult forming around his person now, and this logbook has become scripture for his followers.