Monday 24 January 2022

Miracle of birth

I have returned from Gamdis III. While there during the last several days, I was unable to update these logs. I traveled through rather inhospitable terrain with no good connection to galnet. So, I'm going to record the logs now.

I'll start today with the best news! During the very last day of our hike, Lunarisse went into labor and gave birth to a wonderful baby girl. I was there to help this beautiful baby arrive into our world. It was a bit of an emergency childbirth - certainly it was out of the hospital - and I had to muster all the knowledge I had from the field medic classes. Luckily, while this little miracle was being born, Aria and dr. Jamika and a medical team arrived and made sure everything was fine. Franco was also there, he was beaming.

I've never experienced anything like this - and I've investigated many miracles during my time in the Theology Council.

I will never be a father myself, that is something I came to accept. But Lord, I do feel connected to this child, down to the very roots of my soul. I want to make the universe a better place for her.