Monday 18 July 2022

Space trucker

Back in Nasreri, with the crew this time. I'll be doing the occasional wormhole exploration in the future, with them if it is for a longer expedition, without them if it is for a short probe.

So, contemplating the strategy for my quest - it seems like I do need to improve my standings. That would allow me to visit the Museum Arcana and the Labyrinth. These are well known Takmahl sites, but they are guarded by the Empire and only accessible to those with high standings. 

I've complained about this before, I am a loyal subject but still I must somehow grind missions to gain standings. Moreover, my vow of non-agression pushes me towards pacifism. Although the vow only forbids violence ("DPS") against other capsuleers, I try to extend it to non-capsuleers as well. This kind of restricts me to delivery missions.

I'm going to be a (part-time) space trucker.