Sunday, 30 October 2022

Prayer vigils for Turnur

The news coming from Turnur is very unsettling... Amarr Certified News seems to confirm that the star has become unstable and is heading for an unknown catastrophy three days from now.

There's a lot of anxiety and unrest right now, not only with capsuleers but also with the baseliners. Some fear for a clusterwide catastropy, God wiping the slate clean after an excess of sins also by his chosen people. Other point the finger of blame to marshall Sirdan Xer Qosh, or even the royal Sarum heir. Still others are confident that all is still running according to how the Empress has planned it and that there will be no catastrophy, but instead new jump gate routes will open, perhaps between Arshat and Turnur, or towards the Triglavian-held systems. There are even rumors that some spread about this event as hailing the coming of the 'true emperor' of sedevacantism...

To allay the fears, and put to rest all kinds of unsubstantiated rumors, I am holding prayer vigils for Turnur and its inhabitants in the Chapel. We will pray to God to forgive us for our sins and to have mercy on us and especially on the people of Turnur, while acknowledging that it is not our will that prevails but God's will.

Today the vigils will be for baseliners mostly. Tomorrow, after the Syndicate week is over, I think I will also set aside some time for a prayer vigil for capsuleers. They are just as troubled about what is happening, even though they pretend they have everything under control.