Quantum sensors exploit the fragility of quantum superpositions to achieve a higher sensitivity and resolution than normal sensors. They are capable of detecting even the weakest concentration of chemical compounds. This is useful in particular in station hangars representing huge volumes of air in which said compounds are strongly diluted.
The quantum sensors that I installed recently in my item hangar detected a combination of dimethyl sulfide, methanethiol, short-chain fatty acids, and 3-methylindole with more than a smattering of hydrogen sulfide. Among laypeople, this is known as flatulence. I do not need to have an "expert system" injection of Flatology III to recognize the combination. I have stowaways, tooting on my beans.
The quantum sensors that I installed recently in my item hangar detected a combination of dimethyl sulfide, methanethiol, short-chain fatty acids, and 3-methylindole with more than a smattering of hydrogen sulfide. Among laypeople, this is known as flatulence. I do not need to have an "expert system" injection of Flatology III to recognize the combination. I have stowaways, tooting on my beans.
Using the sensor's gradient reading, I was able to pinpoint the source, and sure enough, found the stowaways. Three Gallente girls hiding in a container - the hangar has a lot of compartments, with separation walls and containers, and they used one of them to hide in. They have furbished it with furniture from ship spare parts to make a sort of home. They confessed to the theft of canned beans and toilet paper.
They were scared beyond reason when I found them, and identified themselves as Anna Angel, Betty Booty, and Charlene Cummings. They got on board during the so-called "Guardian's Gala" event - when Serpentis and Angel cartel were having a celebration if sorts. I do remember raiding their data sites, and they confessed to getting on board hiding in the loot from a Gala data site.
They identify as "exotic dancers, female". So, Gallente is exotic now. Also, I did not know the Serpentis or Angel Cartel pirates had a fondness for dancing, I think it shows their softer side. Nevertheless, these girls claim to be mistreated by the pirates, and were seeking a way to escape. Anna and Charlene are very young, while Betty is older and mothering over them.
Anna appears to have a broken leg, but it is splinted quite
I explained that they were safe in a station of the Imperial Crusade, and proposed to contact the station authorities. At this announcement, they completely freaked out. Unreasonable yet uncontrollable fears of being cast into slavery.
Having a bad experience with trying to do things according to the book with Layla's corpse, I discovered the maverick in myself and did not contact the authorities. Moreover, the Indigatrix has a basic medbay, more than capable enough to heal broken bones. I brought them there, and had nanites reconstruct Anna's bone and administered antibiotics. She will need a bit of recovery, as her muscles have atrophied while she was holding her leg still.
I am not sure what to do - for now I let them stay in their furbished container. They were quite grateful for my help, and requested food other than beans. I am not sure how to proceed, and must think it over carefully.