Wednesday 10 March 2021

Twice good news

This was a great day!
First, Lunarisse agreed to show me around on Gamdis III, and in particular to show the excavation site of lord Aslan. News items from back then mention that Lunarisse was one of the first ones to arrive at the site of the disaster that cost lord Aslan's life, and the MIO lauded her for helping with the rescue efforts. These news items never mention where his lordship was searching, nor what he was searching. So Lunarisse's help is invaluable, she can show me where lord Aslan was looking.

She did tell me to prepare for a long trip, 500 km sand sailing and 50 km trekking. I am not used to these kind of things, but I believe my will and prayers will help me overcome these challenges. 
Second, I met with lord Arman, he visited the library. Chancellor Victus Arman is also the abbot of the "wandering monk monastery", dedicated to the very same quest as I am: finding and retrieving the holy relics of the Empire! I was not even aware of that order... God placed this great man in my path, as clearly as he gifted me the Ratakh Hubrau. Lord Arman invited me to join his search, a lead in New Eden that his wife, a Servant Sister of Eve, received. 
God, how I laud and praise and thank you!

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