Monday, 12 June 2023

Lord Meza's message

To my surprise, I received a message from Lord Romuil Meza. As far as I can discern, he is second in command in the Zerg hierarchy. He wrote:

Subject: 0/
From: Romuil Meza
Sent: 2023.06.11 20:27
To: Theodosius Savnar  

You can loot your stuff) i dont need that : D

Apparently, they have no use for objects from relic sites, nor from data sites. I contracted it to lord Meza as a token of gratitude for the docking rights he kindly gave me. I had told him I would keep any relics pertaining to the ancients, but I would contract him the rest so as not to interfere with his own minions' explorations. But no-one wants this junk out here.

I answered:

Re: 0/ 
From: Theodosius Savnar
Sent: 2023.06.12 20:25
To: Romuil Meza  

Dear Lord Meza,

Thank you once again for your hospitality.

If I can be of service while I am here, please let me know and I will gladly help. 

Do you have any public chat channel for the Zerg? 

By His light and His will,
Brother Theodosius Savnar

Perhaps, if I am allowed on their internal communications, I can extract more information from them about the fate of the Talocan Star Empire. Although, to be honest, by now I have come to doubt it. They came into this territory just about at the same time as I did. And, given their lack of enthusiasm for exploring (they prefer mining) I doubt they would be quick in finding Talocan constructions.