Friday, 29 January 2021

Two worries

Two things to be nervous about.

First, Lunarisse has offered to introduce me to Lord Lok'ri, the theologian that I have cited before. Apparently, he also holds a certain fame as a capsuleer in PIE and he is Chapter Master of that noble order. I will go to Oris, to the Excubitoris Chapter house, in the hope to meet him through the kind intercession of the Directrix. I am feverishly sorting and re-ordering all the questions I want to pose to Lord Lok'ri, never reaching consensus with myself as to what to ask precisely. I'm afraid that at the very meeting I will just freeze - this is why I must prepare.

The trip to Oris will also be a good occasion to try out the upgrades of the Indigatrix. I want to try finding relic sites with its upgraded sensors and scan probes.
Second, the girl Ishta has offered to educate me about contemporary music. I am eager to learn about the temporal world and society I now find myself in, and I am grateful for the offer. Ishta seems quite comfortable navigating the modern world - maybe a tad too comfortable. I just hope her music choices won't be too... Gallente.