Monday 8 April 2024

Mehatoor corruption suppressed

Praise God, for he has granted us victory in Mehatoor! 

The Angel Cartel uprising has been stemmed, and the corruption suppressed in our home system. This time, Mehatoor will not descend into the lawlessness of a low security system. 

The dedication of our pilots, and the fact that the system itself was better prepared than the last time, paid off. Or, as the Directrix put it: "I guess the Empress yelling at the Holders worked".

For me, it is time for self-reflection. I zealously tried to participate, enlisting in the Amarr militia on impulse, driven by the will to serve the Empress. But I have to face the facts: I am simply no good as a soldier. 

I learned a lesson that, in fact, I already knew. It is one that in the past I have tried to explain to others. Namely: there are many ways to serve the Empire, none inherently more praiseworthy than the other. One must choose the path that best suits one's talents. For me, that is my clerical and academic service to LUMEN, and my explorations.

Cobbler, stick to your last.