Tuesday, 1 October 2024

Promotion Exam

Mr. Ivan Firth, the political officer on my exploration ship, has filed an application to be promoted within the ranks of the MIO. His new rank would be Itinerant Frumentaris Second Class. Right now he is third class of the same title. Mr. Firths recent successes - the intel we gathered on the Zarzakh siege, and the retrieval of a biodroid - made it possible for him to apply. 

I have no idea what those ranks mean. And that is as it should be, because the specifics are not disclosed to the public. Nor are all the details known even by Mr. Firth himself. It appears to be customary in the MIO that you only get full disclosure on the duties and perks of a rank when you have the clearance that comes with that very same rank. That is meant to test your dedication. As for mr. Firth, he looks forward to discover exactly what new powers he will have. Nevertheless he assures me that he would still continue to serve as my political officer after his promotion. 

The promotion is not automatic: he still has to pass an exam to get promoted. He is studying hard for this.

I hope it will only be a theory exam...