My prayers were answered: I established a line of communication with brother Sarachem.
He must have looked at the logs of our conversations in local yesterday, I think he is now convinced of my honest interest in the Goner faith and history. Also, I think that to be allowed docking rights in Farthest Shore is something of a badge of honor, or at least a well-trusted credential among capsuleers here.
Sarachem is a charismatic man. He speaks with the compassionate wisdom of someone who does not define his own meaning by relying on the judgment of others. We exchanged mails, and he explained that this day, the start of the new year, held a special meaning for the people of his Mother Earth.
We prayed together for peace in the cluster, both facing Eve gate. He prays from his deep-space location, and I prayed from the chapel in Farthest Shore. He prays to Mother Earth, I prayed to God, but there is unity and harmony in our supplications.
In order to divulge more on the Goner faith and their history and knowledge of ancient artifacts, he gave me an assignment. Seeing that I am inexperienced as a capsuleer, he tasked me to equip a craft that could locate him, and to join him for a while in his journey.
I briefly considered asking Lunarisse Aspenstar or Professor Moriarty for help, but I decided against it. Goner Sarachem does not look like a man of shortcuts, and I think he would not approve of such a shortcut.
I have installed a jump clone in Farthest Shore, and will now travel back to more populated areas to buy a craft and equipment to fulfill Sarachem’s assignment. The Minmatar trader who gave me the advice about traveling to lawless space also told me the best spot in the universe to buy stuff is a station called Jita 4-4, in Caldari space.