Wednesday, 27 December 2023

The disguise

I received a full report from my crew, all the way up to the point where their video-feed went black. After that, they noted my Concord sign was suddenly missing from the system, and concluded I had been killed. They brought the Indigatrix back to safety and wait my return. And that is why crew is useful even in a frigate.

Meanwhile, my multiple reclonings have raised some unnecessary alarms with LUMEN's medical crew, who seem to have alerted Lunarisse - as they probably are duty-bound to do. I will try to allay their concerns.

The first plan I discussed with my own crew was to try and make it to the command center of the abandoned station, and activate bulkheads to close in the biodroid. We can wear it down, once it is contained. Unfortunately, they still refuse to set foot on the station.

So, my second best plan now is to appear like a Takmahl to the droid. It should cease the attacks, if it recognizes one of its own. 

Citizens of the Takmahl empire were connected to a collective network using the Takmahl Phrenic Appendix. This is a device implanted in the neck and upper spine leading to the brain. Back in the days of the Takmahl Empire, the device offered identification as well as a stream of advertisements sent directly to the brain. I have several of these devices in very good order, and tried to contact the Lamp's surgeons to implant it. They have not responded, probably they are on Yoiul vacation. Or they are waiting for the Directrix's permission.

I did get a positive response from the medical facility at the Kaalakiota cloning station in Defsunun, two jumps away from the archaeological site in Nalnifan. They requested I install a clone in their station, and then for a not unreasonable amount of ISK, they were enthusiast to perform the operation on the clone, test it, and then have me clone jump to the upgraded one that has a Takmahl phrenic appendix.