Thursday, 17 December 2020

The pirates of Code

During my return to Mehatoor, I attempted to take a shortcut via low secutiry systems but I was soon set upon by capsuleer pirates in Huola. The Indigatrix barely managed to escape, shields and armor depleted and well into hull.

From the safety of a station in the system I contacted my assailant to inquire about safe passage. I always carry trinkets with me, beads and glassware, to trade with barbarian warlords. The pirate was fully delusional, telling me that his corporation, Code, was the ruler of the cluster and he required unreasonable amounts of ISK for a mining permit. The fool was not even aware that I am exploring, not mining! The Indigatrix is a Magnate class frigate, not a Venture!

The folly went deeper than delusions of importance. He was convinced that I was not really a friar but I was merely an actor playing a role in a fake universe. I did hear about a philosophy that denies reality and claims we can never know whether it is all an elaborate dream, but the man was not making a philosophical point. 

With such homicidal nutcases allowed to roam freely in low security systems I must reroute and limp back through concord patrolled space. First, I have to wait for repairs to complete and for the psychopath to grow bored at waiting for me to undock.