Saturday 8 April 2023

A new market

I have several expeditions in mind. A return to wormhole space, this time to look for Talocan related clues. A similar mission to the Araz constellation. And finally, a visit to a barbarian dukedom out in Feythabolis. It drew my attention by virtue of their name: the Talocan Star Empire. Perhaps they too found Talocan technology they could put to use, like the Takmahl.

However, these plans have to wait. I've been invited to a bibliothecography conference on Eclipticum in the Kor-Azor prime system. As diplomatic relations with the Federation are improving, publishers in the Federation are trying to get a better access to the huge market that is the Empire. 

This poses a problem, since the Theology Council's sacred congregation of the index cannot catch up with the influx of books. So, at least in these initial stages, it will be up to the individual librarian to pick and choose, and to screen out harmful works. 

That is the topic of the conference, organized jointly by the Kor-Azor family bureau and the Theology Council congregation of the index. There will be a bunch of workshops to train us, and parallel sessions with talks. I have been asked to give a talk about the specific problems relating to capsuleers and books. I have no idea yet what I am going to present...

Actually, for our own library there is the additional problem that I also should think of the sensitivities of our many Caldari friends, who would be abhorred to find Gallente propaganda books between their business manuals.