Finally, the DoD office reopened. I went to present all the documents I have gathered. It was the same nasty clerk as before. I showed that I had obtained permission from the closest living relative of Layla Accadis. He typed for five minutes on his computer, asked for my marital status, and asked if I was member of a capsuleer corporation.
I admitted that I am celibate and member of SFRIM.
The obnoxious man then told me that the Amarr Civil Service has observed that some capsuleers seem to have an unhealthy fascination with corpses. Corpses are collected for unknown sinful purposes, and not put to good use. He mentioned in particular some members from our alliance who may have a severe corpse problem but are still in denial.
Because of this particular penchant of some capsuleers, there is now a policy to encourage every corporation to have an HR department, that is, a "Human Remains" department. Capsuleers collecting corpses should then schedule a yearly interview with a Human Remains manager. Before my authorization can be granted, I too should first do an interview with the HR manager of our corporation before everything can be finalized.
I told the man that as far as I know, SFRIM does not have a Human Remains manager.
It appears that in such case, an HR manager will be provided for you by the DoD. I will have to make yet another visit to yet another service to obtain yet another paper to append to my growing dossier. Will this administrative torture never end? The clerk could not schedule the appointment for me, I can only do this via GalNet using some code that he generated for me.
I hope that after this last hurdle, I will finally get the permission to unload Layla from the Indigatrix...
((ooc credit: linking HR to human remains comes from a book by Andrew Wyndham. I couldn't resist: I think this perfectly fits in a capsuleer context.))