Tuesday, 12 July 2022

Fire rekindled

News of worrisome developments reached us in Seclusion. I heard it while taking some time off in Pilgrim's rest, awaiting the results of the stress tests of the engines of the Indagatrix III

The Empire and the Republic seem to have rekindled the battle for Floseswin and the Eugidi constellation in the war zone. Messages to the respective militia call for immediate action. Yet, for the moment, the constellation appears well secured in the hands of the Empire.

But, this comes on the heels of a conflict between the militia and LUMEN, less than a month ago. The Empress calls on the militia to defend and fortify the constellation and while this does not involve LUMEN I think some of our capsuleers will feel the urge to heed the call. Especially our friends in PIE may feel some honor-bound obligation. And, our foes may use this call to beat their chest and push others to join the warzone.

I would advocate leaving the warzone for the militia, we are not welcome there anyway. In stead, let us keep our focus on Arshat and the stellar transmuter device. It is quiet now there, but I don't think we should keep our eyes away from it. In fact, Societas, PIE and KHPER have been diligently patrolling it, and seeing from time to time some scouting from the Triglavians and other reds.