Thursday, 17 November 2022

The tenth cogwheel

Only historical documents, which have been released to the public domain, are freely accessible. Even then, the help of an expert in navigating the obscure databases is more than useful. I would not even have been able to navigate the most basic query forms, but Fifth and Sixth knew the acronyms and the jargon and were able to find the record of lord Or'nold from ages ago.

The tenth and final piece of the puzzle was bequeathed to a local museum documenting the history of human settlement on the Jakri system. We also found out that, unfortunately, the museum burned down, and probably the final cogwheel is lost. However, the will was very nicely documented with pictures of all of the items, including the one I was after. The picture is good enough to make out the numbers on the wheel, and although it is not clear what its dimensions are, it is probably the same size as the other nine.

The collection is complete (well, virtually at least).