My “guests” are not eager to leave and prefer to wait a bit longer until Anna can walk around better. Nevertheless, I am eager to get them on a ship to the Federation – I do not like the situation of having stowaways living in my hangars. They stall by not deciding where they would like to be transported to, Dodixie or Luminaire.
Charlene wanted to go to confession and do penance. She claimed she had been a “very bad girl” who needed to be punished. Again, her clothing came off during her attempt at confession. As she is not of the faith, I do not think she can receive absolution for temporary sins, so it would also not make sense to take confession. So, I have started her on a study of scripture, providing a datapad with “Introduction to the Faith for Gallenteans”, bishop Delmoinne’s bestseller.
Next, I went shopping to find Charlene some clothing that does not fall off so easily.
It was a humiliating experience. The shopkeeper frowned deeply upon a friar buying women’s clothing, and I could not explain to him the true nature of my situation. He refused to serve me. His salesgirl was more accommodating, but she thought I was buying it for myself, and was always was bringing me dresses for my size. In the end I pretended I needed this for someone under my care in an orphanage. As a result, I got an Amarr Finishing School girl’s uniform. It has many buttons, so I hope it will not malfunction in the same way as Charlene’s current clothing.