Saturday, 31 December 2022

Night at the Museum

The operation at the labyrinth was a great success! 

This is in no small part due to the fine members of the Societas and our allies who answered my call for help. I would have thought myself lucky if one or two would take up the task, but I think nearly all that had time, nobly and selflessly offered their assistance. In order of joining of our fleet, I'll list them here so that I not forget to whom I owe last night's success: Razic Shazih, Gaun Arel, Lunarisse Aspenstar, Tiberius Arthuron, Krisha Kashada, Roland Cassidy, Jason Moradian. I also note that paladin (and now Khan) Arline Kley put a vessel to our disposal, TES Laus Deo.

With such a formidable fleet at my disposal, I could focus the fitting of my Stratios class exploration vessel on relic analyzers and on armor tanking, and leave the firepower to the rest of the fleet. It worked magnificently well, the armor on my ship was barely scratched.

The first destination of our fleet was the Museum Arcana, in Zimse. Its curator owns rare copies of the key to enter the Takmahl Labyrinth in Aphi. After showing some credentials to the museum's gatekeeper, Thador Udokas, we were let in. 

I've never in my career seen such a chaotic and badly maintained museum. It is probably underfunded, but that is no excuse. It is a "space" museum, and some architect bureau no doubt thought it would become famous for building a museum out of cans scattered in a seemingly random way all over the grid. Modern art in architecture, probably won a prize. However, it is definitely not very handy for the visitors. No wonder even the curator needed help to find things. The last item, a ritual text of sorts, was completely lost, no matter how many of these exhibit cans were opened, there was no sign of it. Luckily, Razic Shazih had found a copy amongst his loot of earlier missions, and was kind enough to transfer it to me, so that I finally managed to have the key of the labyrinth.

It's not merely a badly maintained museum: the other scandal is that thieves and probably Boulette's thugs were out and about and trying to prevent us from completing the curator's mission. It was quite satisfying to see them being shot out of the sky.

With both the key and the map in my possession, we could venture forth to the labyrinth itself. But that is a log entry I will complete tomorrow, I am too eager for now to go back to study the artefacts I collected. I will make a better museum for these items!

[to be continued]