Thursday, 12 January 2023

Real-space map

So, on to plans to map out the labyrinth. I have a "topological" map, that tells me which room is connected to which other room via the ancient acceleration gates. However, what I want is a three-dimensional, real-space map of the locations of each room. 

To obtain this, I have a plan. 

I'll leave a different drone in each of the ten rooms. I can then combat scan the drones to obtain their locations.

The distance between the different rooms in the labyrinth is too small to see the layout of the labyrinth from the solar system map in the scanner. All the drones will simply appear to be on top of each other, even at maximum zoom. So, I'll need to triangulate it, using the recorded distances in km between the various sites/drones. In any room, when you point the ship to a drone in another room, you can read off its distance, even if you can't warp to it.

Mathematical handbooks provide algorithms that take the distance matrix Dij between room i and room j, and return the coordinates of the set of points that satisfy the distance matrix. Those points will reveal the geometry of the labyrinth! Note that my distance matrix (being symmetric, and having zeroes on the diagonal) contains 45 distances to be measured; and if I include the central point, the holy rock, this goes up to 55. I'll be busy for a while!