Tuesday 6 February 2024


Soon after the crisis of trust with Idesbald, we warped back to the site, cloaked, at 100 km. To our great satisfaction, we could confirm that the blood cellar has been destroyed in the antimatter blast. Metal shards and a fine mist of organic matter are all that is left from this cursed place.

There was some discussion with the crew on how to dispose of the bottle of Luna blood. Jettisoning is not an option, as it can be picked up by random passer-bys and the Indigatrix has no weapons to destoy it. In the end we decided to empty the bottle in one of the toilets and flush.

Idesbald begged to save the bottle, claiming that the profits from selling it could help us much more in the fight against the Blood Raiders. That is nonsense, of course. If we have to harvest the blood of our members and sell that to the Raiders, we just become part of the covenant even if we use to proceeds to fight them. The crew realized that and followed me. The blood was destroyed as proposed earlier: flushed to the waste container of the Indigatrix, which will be emptied and processed at the first station we dock.