Monday, 4 December 2023

The graveyard

I continued my exploration of Aridia, along the Blood Raider trail.

In Nalnifan, the coordinates that I got from Glitter Edifice led me to a graveyard. Hundreds of corpses are strewn around space, floating among wrecked ships, near a seemingly abandoned station. Some of the corpses have capsuleer implants, most have not, but all were drained of blood.

I was not able to identify any of the corpses, they have probably been there for a very long time. Perhaps their concord identification was cut out or disabled before the body was thrown out of an airlock. 

The wreckage is very diverse; both in origin and age of the ships. They have been dismantled and scavenged for spare parts. It does not appear to be the aftermath of a single battle. It looks more like these ships and corpses have just been captured, collected here, and discarded after the "useful" parts were taken out.

There is some vestigial power source still active in the station. It looks like one of the backup reactors that has been active for centuries longer than it was intended to work. In a small part of the station, near the main spire, where the active power source is, life support seems to be active as well. I've hailed the station, but received no response. The docking bays and hangars are not powered up, but there is an entrance hatch close to the powered up area. 

We split the crew into two teams. One team stays on board, and keeps scanning for enemy capsuleers approaching on our location - the Indigatrix can't cloak when next to a structure - and the other team (including myself) will board the station. In case of incoming enemy ships, the Indigatrix will disconnect from the hatch and move away from the structure and cloak up. It is somewhat risky but perhaps it will be a high gain gamble.